Group Members
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Former Group Members
Name | Affiliation |
Prof. Dr. Bin Yang | Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China |
Dr. Giorgia Di Prima | Raith GmbH, Dortmund |
PD Dr. Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy | Faculty of Physics, Vienna University |
Dr. Oleksandr Foyevtsov | Quantum Matter Institute, UBC |
Dr. Marc Hanefeld | Carl Zeiss |
Dr. Felix Jungwirth | Infineon Technologies, Villach | Dr. Kerstin Keller | Tel Solar AG, Trübbach, Switzerland |
Dr. Dirk Klingenberger | |
Dr. Maksym Kompaniiets | Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, Blaustein |
Dr. Heiko Reith | Thermoelectric Materials and Devices, IFW, Dresden |
Dr. Florian Roth | Tel Solar AG, Trübbach, Switzerland |
Dr. Milan Rudloff | Dr. Müller Patentanwälte |
Dr. Matthias Schmitt | Günter Effgen GmbH |
Dr. Christian Schwalb | GETec Microscopy, Wien |
Dr. Vita Solovyeva | Electron and Light Microscopy, University of Oldenburg |
Dr. Paul Weirich | i.p.a.s.-systeme |
Dr. Marcel Winhold | Nanosurf, Frankfurt/M |
MSc. Kai Ackermann | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
MSc. Agnes Adamski | Goethe University |
MSc. Markus Baranowski | FDM Group |
MSc. Evgenia Begun | |
Dipl.-Phys. Gabriele Blendin | Schott-Solar |
Dr. Anastasia Cmyrev | Development Engineer, Daimler |
MSc. Giorgia Di Prima | Raith, Dortmund |
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Franke | Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Dipl.-Phys. Christina Grimm | Integrated Dynamics Engineering GmbH |
BSc. Christian Grossmüller | Goethe University |
MSc. Virginia Gwozdz | |
BSc. Johannes Hellwig | Goethe University |
Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Huzel | |
Dr. Albrecht Köhler | MPI für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe |
BSc. Lukas Köhs | Goethe University |
MSc. Jan Philipp Kress | IBM Research & Development |
Dipl.-Phys. Yoon Jeong Lee | Technical University Darmstadt |
BSc. Andreas Lohs | University of Heidelberg |
BSc. Karoline Oetker | Goethe University |
BSc. Natalia Pashnina | Goethe University |
MSc. Martin Possel | EDAG Engineering GmbH |
MSc. Philipp Rauer | daub Patent und Recht |
MSc. Waqaas Rehman | University of Oxford |
BSc. Julian Reusch | Goethe University |
Msc. Achim Rippert | |
Dipl.-Phys. Roland Sachser | Nanosurf (Langen) |
BSc. Asim Saed | Goethe University |
MSc. Johannes Schwenk | EMPA, Dübendorf |
MSc. Najma Shaik | |
Bsc. Florian Spitzfaden | Goethe University |
BSc. Tim Thyzel | Goethe University |
MSc. Henok Weldeyesus | Goethe University |
MSc. Markus Zörb | |
Maximiliane Lohrengel (Secretary) | Goethe University |