Thin Films & Nanostructures

Group Seminar, _0.403, 1.30 pm

Winter Term 2023/24

Date Title Speaker
03.11.23 tba / Magnetic properties of EuPd2 thin films Dennis Henn / Michael Huth
10.11.23 Tag der RMU
17.11.23 Site-selective growth and characterization of nanoscale superconductors with molecular precursors Nicolas Jochmann
27.11.23 tba / tba Elnaz Oman / Alexander Kuprava
01.12.23 tba / tba Najma Shaik / Behnaz Shamsizadeh
08.12.23 tba / Epitaxial thin film growth of Eu-Pd-Si intermetallics Alfons Schuck / Sebastian Kölsch
15.12.23 X-mas party
12.01.24 SFB assessment rehearsel
19.01.24 SFB assessment, day 2
26.01.24 tba /tba Fabrizio Porrati / Patrick Deubel
02.02.24 strike -
09.02.24 tba / tba Nicolas Jochmann / Patrick Deubel / Elnaz Oman
16.02.24 tba / tba Aleksandr Kuprava / Behnaz Shamsizadeh